We are capable : Army Chief

The Global Times claims that India has intensified its anti-China rhetoric to divert attention from the domestic conflict. The Chinese media also cited the late Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat and the third wave of corona in India. eighboring countries are constantly providing safe haven to terrorists.
He said, “The enemy is being met with a resounding response on the other side of the border.Pakistan has consistently provided safe haven to terrorists. They are also trying to infiltrate 300 to 400 new trained terrorists near the LoC. “The number of ceasefire violations has increased by 40 per cent in the last year, which is a reflection of Pakistan’s heinous conspiracies. They are also trying to smuggle weapons and drugs through drones.”
On the backdrop of Army Day, Army Chief Manoj Narwane has highlighted the need for comprehensive planning in terms of maintaining military readiness on the challenges facing the country’s western and northern borders. In the aftermath of the conflict in the Galvan Valley, India-China military-level meetings agreed to withdraw troops from some areas; But in some areas it has not yet happened.
During the same period, new incursions took place in the border areas of Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh. Chinese industries or companies such as village building and bridge construction have been exposed to unilaterally change the Line of Control. The deployment of Chinese troops along the border and the development of infrastructure cannot be ignored. This was in addition to China’s new land boundary law.
After Pakistan, the Indo-China border is burning. At the same time, the redesign of military strategies is in order to meet the double challenge. For a long time after the start of our military strategy, the tactics were mainly focused on Pakistan. It was too late to realize the challenges on China’s border.
By the time it was realized, it was clear that China had fortified its walls around India. China’s plans are to bring railways to Tibet, develop border roads, deploy missiles, and build military and air bases. The border between India and China is about three and a half thousand kilometers. Ninety-five percent of the Line of Control is not demarcated.
It is used by China to infiltrate and claim Indian territory. In the current context of conflict, it is futile to expect a settlement to the border dispute. The blanket of border disputes will be kept wet by China. Maintaining military readiness is an important way to achieve this.
“We have taken all necessary measures to deal with any emergency situation, including the Chinese military,” he said. The Assam Rifles is expected to take over the Indo-Myanmar border and move its troops to the border with China. We have to do military planning like the movements of China in the last few years.
The Army Chief said that there have been rounds of military talks between India and China to bring the situation under control. “We will continue to resolve the current situation on the basis of mutual and equal security,” .
When China introduced railways in Tibet, we focused on building all-season transport-friendly roads in Arunachal Pradesh. Railway work is in progress in the border areas for speedy movement of military and armaments. In Ladakh and Arunachal, runways were repaired and aircraft and cargo ships were made landable.
A contingent of Sukhoi fighter jets was flown to Tezpur airbase in Assam. Light artillery with portable weight in mountainous areas has been included in the artillery force.
Tensions remain high in the Galvan Valley following violent clashes between Indian and Chinese troops. At the same time, the Indian Army is preparing to monitor China’s movements on the LAC and thwart every movement of the dragon.
The Indian Army has installed new cameras and sensors on the LAC to keep a close eye on China. India has replaced the old cameras on the LAC with new high quality cameras. Not only this, with the help of modern weapons the operational area is being equipped with new equipment.
The Army is taking concrete steps towards its modernization. Under the Emergency and Accelerated Plan, the Army purchased equipment worth about ₹ 5,000 crore and under Capital Purchase signed contracts worth ₹ 13,000 crore last year.
Indian security forces have made changes to cameras and sensors to monitor China from East Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh and have installed more than ever before. The network created by these cameras and sensors is helping commanders away from the mountains and even on the ground to take immediate action.
The parliamentary committee was also briefed before setting up the network and said the country needs a large network of cameras and sensors to monitor China’s movements. Discussions are underway between the two countries to reduce tensions on the Indo-China border.
All that is needed is a two-way street with the Chinese military. The Chinese army checked the readiness of the Indian army in the conflict in Galvan Valley. Accordingly, he can change the strategy on the border of three and a half thousand kilometers, In fact, he must have started the process. Army chief Narwane’s assertion that the threat on China’s border has not diminished is enough to remind us of the challenges ahead.