GST collection touches all-time high in April at Rs 1.67 lakh crore

This was the first time since its launch that the GST collection has crossed Rs 1.5 lakh crore. The revenues for the month of April 2022 are 20% higher than the GST revenues in the same month last year. During the month, revenues from import of goods was 30% higher and the revenues from domestic transactions (including import of services) are 17% higher than the revenues from these sources during the same month last year.
At Rs 1,67,540 crore, the GST collection in April 2022 grew 20 per cent when compared to Rs 1,39,708 crore a year ago. While central GST mop-up stood at Rs 33,159 crore, state GST collection was Rs 41,793 crore, and integrated GST collection was Rs 81,939 cr¬ore, including Rs 36,705 crore from import of goods and cess mop-up of Rs 10,649 crore (including Rs 857 crore from import of goods).
The government has settled Rs 33,423 crore to CGST and Rs 26,962 crore to SGST from IGST. Total revenue of the Centre and states in April after regular settlement was Rs 66,582 crore CGST and Rs 68,755 crore SGST.
Total number of e-way bills generated in the month of March 2022 was 7.7 crore, which is 13% higher than 6.8 crore e-way bills generated in the month of February 2022, which reflects recovery of business activity at faster pace,” the finance ministry said.
The average monthly gross GST collection in the last quarter (January-March) stood at Rs 1.38 lakh crore, against the average collection of Rs 1.10 lakh crore, Rs 1.15 lakh crore and 1.30 lakh crore in the first, second and third quarters, respectively.